
And, boy, are there a lot of ‘em!

Henderson, Nevada

Already exists

Would you even fit?

Please tell me you took photos!

Pretty cool looking!

Tried & failed!

:) I think that was Lone Star in Spaceballs!

CA average is $2.47 for regular today. Even in the OC, there are places you can get it for 1.99 or 2.15

Yep. Surprised I didn’t see “waalaa” :/

Hard to believe, but that is a correct filter.

He’s a Bad Ass. That is all.

Man, Kimmel looks creepy with that beard, eh?

“Don Galasso, I have bad news...”

LOLing in the office - hope I don’t get busted

Or found on every reality cop show: “That’s not mine, officer!”

What should be the punishment?

Hey, man, farts are funny!