
Are YOU gonna do this, Tav? :)

Wow! Blast from the past: Trilogy of Terror

Can’t wait for tomorrow’s update!


Any info on parking? Is there a Jalopnik only area? :)

Yeah, this has blown up on the local news.

This fellow appears to be a Sikh (yes, that’s the point).

Nissan’s new styling direction? Can’t be any worse than their current...

700 Walden Dr

More like “Fuckin’ diplomacy, how does it work?”

I like the cut of your jib

or carjackers...

Now playing

19 year old me thought those Lightning Rod shifters were cool as hell. How do they work again?

and there’s usually only 3

Anybody else agree that yellow is the douchiest color for a Ferrari?

putting the first draft of an article up on the site without any proofing at all.

“Push the button, Max!”

I’d like to burn some calories with her if youknowwhatImean