
Will the 3 be able to utilize the Superchargers?

But can you write it off as a business expense? :)

I like the cut of your jib. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire”

I think those are the worst looking wheels I’ve ever seen on a car featured on Jalopnik. Or ever.

I really hope this is the start of a whole series of Torch-blasting-car-ads! Bravo!

Star for Fargo ref

Maybe too obvious. I’d mention the muffler bearings, or (is this a meme yet?) the famous torque ratios from that Liberty Mutual ad. :)

Think I found it

Well, what did you sell it for? Or do you still have it?

From C&D:

Surely you remember what happens when a Jalop doesn’t?

Barbus tuned would definitely be strange. Brabus? Not so much. :)

Hello local! BP here

Came here to post this

“Anything it wants to be called”

Is the homeowner’s name Chi kun Lit hual?

Darn! I just bought a (also 400 hp) GTO — for 13% of the start price on that red 360:

Good ol Gawker clickbait strikes again!

The head & tail lights are definitely influenced by the Volvo Concept Coupe: