
@12oll_13lunts: Impossible. First off its got a header, not headers. Secondly its nearly impossible to achieve 200hp NA on a tC. Go to any forum and find proof of anybody achieving over 200whp with NA. I have a tC and love it, but there is no way it could ever hit that without a turbo.

@Jorw: Not recon. The special gamestop exclusive armor.

@Chris Tomalty: Oregon Trail taught me to take it easy and not push too hard.

@DrElectro: Huge, well proportioned brits...

@Cory Noll: Still better than Forza's...


I have a buddy who's bought a couple of turbo cars from Woodhouse... Wonder if they've done similar things to his car.

@vuhal: But he says "i mix those two up all the time" in response to the tattoo artist's confusion.

@Shin-san: Yeah seems like most games these days are pulling shit like that. In the end tho, still looks better than 720p.

@Robert Cowie: The G27 is worth it. I own a G25 with a Playseat Evo. And your comment about the PSN's 720p resolution also applies to xbox. Most games these days are 720p native and scaled up to 1080p. Gran Turismo 5 however will support 1080p Natively.

@Roach: Don't feed the troll.

@Tayruh: Yeah i enjoyed the game, but I played it 2 times... Half life 2 along with both episodes were fantastic and i've played them repeatedly.

@Tayruh: I never understood the fascination with the companion cube. Sure it was funny, but nothing more than a chuckle imo.

@bigox 25: I agree. Over-G is effing terrible. I enjoyed HAWX