@Suzaku: Oh I understand that I'm just saying that it might not be from people just initially tuning to another Network station and staying there after the News.
@Suzaku: Oh I understand that I'm just saying that it might not be from people just initially tuning to another Network station and staying there after the News.
@IvanDashSmith: That is true. I read in the paper yesterday that according to the Nielsen ratings, the viewers lost from NBC moved to regular cable and not to the other networks.
@Mykalwane: Leno actually held more viewers than Conan has on the tonight show, but I agree that Conan is doing his job and should not be 'punished'.
Wow watching that video has made me realize just how much I hate pro wrestling.
@Ryan Rihan: o_o
@Dreamwriter: I completely agree. I rolled my eyes when he asked for things shooting out at the screen. 3D should just accent a good game not be the main draw.
@d20Dark1: I strictly play GT5P with my playseat and G25 wheel, but since I'm home for the holiday break I had to play the time trial with a dual shock. I was surprised how much I loved it. It actually feels easier to control a spin. In prologue once the car starts to spin, there really isn't much you can do to stop…
@d20Dark1: The new physics engine is vastly improved. What was unplayable about it?
@sander_dutch: Sadly, yes.
Wow a story from my hometown on Kotaku... Too bad it involes a penis and a psp.
Wow I watched that trailer and felt embarrassed for all those involved.
@Monolith: I see what you did there.
@Randki: yes
@orijimi: The guy was egging him on.
Or just as easily, he could have gotten a lucky game by camping, and decided to take a picture and post it on the web. I've gotten those plenty of times so I guess I never thought it was "cool" enough to take a picture of it as proof.
@Bloodoflamb: Uggh...
@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: Gah... sounds like a terrible nightmare for any car/racing fan.
@VEX: hahaha
@Deunan: There is a reason burnout uses fake cars... Manufacturers won't allow their cars to look like death traps.
@surft: I wouldn't say there is a BIG difference, but I can definitely see a difference.