

One more time: He wasn’t convicted of rape, in CA it has to be classified as penile penetration which is wasn’t.

...and all of the worst, most violently criminal areas are predominantly black.

Couldn’t we just ship them all back to Africa instead?

You think typos are the only thing that makes this site look bad?! Not the overt racism, hate and whataboutisms??

You call?

No, you don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m sorry you approve of underage kids downing shots at dinner, then getting chauffeured to frat parties by Mom as acceptable behavior.

After you downed 4 whiskey shots with supper?? The girl was tiny (per court records), UNDERAGE and was driven by her own mother to a frat party to do WHAT exactly? Yup, she got hammered at the party per her own sister!

Uh no, they were companies YOU WORKED FOR, not “your companies you owned”...unlike Musk.

It’s not what I say, soyboy it’s what FORBES and Business Insider state which is factually true! Sure, you have 50 cars and a jet yet spend every waking moment on here, hahaha!!!

Where did I state it was??

AGAIN, in CA where this case was presented unless it is penile then it isn’t rape, hence why they dropped it from 5 to 3 charges!!

...she met him at the party. They didn’t randomly bump into each other by a dumpster.

Nope, just responded to someone who claimed she was legally raped and stated that alcohol wasn’t the cause.

And you’d be wrong again, dummy:

Legally he’s not since he was never charged as one. Secondly it had EVERYTHING to do with it, her BAC was well over the limit and she continued drinking AFTER the 4 shots, and was still unconscious at the hospital. This wasn’t some girl who was randomly assaulted and raped by a stranger.

He’s worth billions, you’re not.

He’s worth 14 billion...that IS success.

He wasn’t convicted of rape, in CA it has to be classified as penile penetration which is wasn’t.

They only defend this aggressively because of how successful and hated GS has become, not to mention the derision KD received by choosing to join them after losing to them, hence it is now “karma”.