The Root Posters: “Only whites are serial killers/kill their own families”
Of course it’s mental health, when you grow up with a victim mentality and constantly use the race card when things don’t go your way of course you’re mental. Now add in that POCs have the lowest education levels.
...and yet violent crime stats more than prove that shitheel.
Just STFU if you don’t understand how law works, dumbass.
“children”...that savagely assaulted people in the park that night, which they didn’t deny. Aged between 13 and 17 makes them TEENS, not children. Children can’t enlist or drive a car.
In exploring how five innocent black teenagers—whose only crimes were naiveté
Just the (wing)tip.
Do better:
“Women’s golf and the WNBA are two of the most watched sports every year!”
Easy Tiger...
I read that in his voice!
Fucking pedo supporters.
It’s AWESOME to be white! Best feeling in the world!
Who’s that dude?
Boston hates you anyways, troll.
Your Mom loves playing that with me, I show her my fat cock and she tells me to jam it in her.
You suck at this: