
More like fairytale, conveniently leaving out the facts that his father was a drunken philanderer that was married to two women at the same time:

The one with higher unemployment, lower home values and lower stock market? THAT presidency?

Because at the end of the day, that’s a police officer, and they can do what they want to do

Notice you never see these videos with whites resisting by default, or playing cellphone lawyer screaming “I gots my rights!!”

Suckers, then again POCs fork over tons to preacher hucksters, lol!

No one is getting “kicked out”, property owners have every right to improve properties and then increase rents in order to get a return on them. Most of these areas are crime-ridden and rundown, which means property values are at their lowest. Why not instead buy at that time so that these developers are FORCED to pay

Buy when rates and housing prices are lowest.