I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
Here’s the thing about those gates. They are designed to break-away in case of an emergency. Shit, most of them you can just yank out of the rotating arm mechanism with minimal effort, almost like a Jenga piece.
As the resident ( I think only) actual honest-to-goodness Train Conductor on the Jalop message board, I’ll comment on a few things here:
That B-pillarless design makes it look easy to adapt assistive technologies.
The Kardashians ALL need to be put on a plane and be flown over Ft Hood or Ft Lewis and be used as a live fire exercise with an Apache and be blown out of the sky.
I agree, they all have enough silicone installed to act as such.
911 works when you don’t have a phone contract. You still need phone service. I expect a lot of old phones kept for 911 service will be hitting the garbage soon as they used 3G, which is going away.
If it’s all the same to you, I’m not going to watch his video. I don’t want to add to his clicks.
Thais was obviously staged. Convenient cameras to document everything, no real attempt to restart the engine as far as I can tell. Most of all, he never once looked scared. There was never fear in his eyes.
You know those weird German vintage ads with couples meeting at a alpine shack with their pet goat.
The obvious choice is an option package where two additional cherubs arise from the hood to spray the windshield down for the wiper’s wash cycle.
though the Onix company seems to have not been willing to take the effort to route a little coolant or even windshield washer fluid to stream
I’ve been asked to make a slideshow
This is a slideshow I’ll actually read through.
Welcome! Be Strong and Edit well, for the Pedantry Force IS a thing here...
Your take is that it’s Dad and sis taking a “candid” snapshot of Mom behind the wheel. I, however, see two innocent tourists being mowed down by a cackling French woman. The man uses his last moment to try and record evidence of his killer which can then be totally ignored by some gendarme who shorts the investigation…
Don’t kink shame. If Jason was to get freaky with an escalator, well, I’m sure it’ll be good for a lot of clicks.