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Dumb dipshit racist talking out of his ass.

Woman complaining about rape, dipshit.

ya big doofus. She's black and attacking rape lyrics does not equal attacking black music.

I have always thought that Scully “settled” with Mulder, when I felt she could have had a loving and stable relationship with that shining dome of hotness, AD Walter Skinner.

Uh, Ms. Hope is not white.

Clover Hope is black tho?

Women complaining about yet another instance of rape culture in popular music. But I see how that's exactly the same thing.

Great argument. Very persuasive and original.

I’m so glad that guy is here. Made my morning.

Not only did you miss the joke, you’re also behind the times as to the new and improved, expanded definitions of what can be called “Bourbon.”

That’s a common mistake, but you’re thinking of Borbón whisky, distilled in the Dominican highlands on plantations belonging to the Cincinnati relief pitcher of the same name. Duh.

Wow... dumbest smart guy all day...


“My great-granmother’s step-brother’s uncle-in-law’s half daughter died from driving into a lake due to advanced Glorpmans, and I found this whole thing to be gravely offensive. I hope you and your gang of little pricks get a chunk of Red caught in your self-centred throats.”

I think there should be a t-shirt that just says “Dammit, Pinkham!”

Tennessee BOURBON. Get it right.

When I was in college I bartended at burger restaurant.

Thank you for getting out in front of those inevitable comments. I’m over here cracking up behind my espresso station.

“you’ve never worked with the general public before.”

I’ve been working with General Public so long, he was just Lieutenant Public when I got started.

“How dare you mock the guy for not knowing what the beach is? Some people make it to age 50 without visiting the beach and somehow completely missing the ever-present representations of beaches in popular culture. Besides, many people suffer from Glorpman’s Syndrome, which is an inability to understand the