
While I see your point: clearly Drake is playing the role of lap-dance recipient, based on the whole “sitting in a chair while the lady does stuff to me” pose. Never in a million-bajillion years would there be a number where T. Swift is getting a lap-dance from Steven Tyler to begin with.

I had always heard and believed the “He wrote it for his beagle” story but I just looked it up and it turns out he didn’t write it at all! It was one of his hits (including, ironically enough, “I Write The Songs”) that was penned by someone else.

I’m going to start this incredibly pedantic comment by saying I agree with your entire post, and end it by saying that the phrase you’re looking for is “Off the cuff”.

ooh! When we first meet Aaron and aren't sure if he's someone to trust, I was almost positive he was doing an impersonation of Kevin Spacey as Verbal Kint- it was uncanny how much he sounded like him. Given that he does impressions I'm even more sure it was a conscious decision.

No taytay? She's the one on the right playing the guitar.

I like that she's playing guitar and not singing, since that is a musical talent of hers that gets pushed to the background. Yes, there's a whole band and chorus going on with it, but I could hear her guitar just fine.

I found and extremely long hair in his pubes, probably twice as long as mine. His ex girlfriend who he was still "friends" with had hair about that length.

Ugh. Yes, his telling you you were crazy is definitely the worst part of what he did. He's a major asshole for that alone, and it's amazing he thought you would take him back after that. I hope you are surrounded by more trustworthy people now.

I think it's hilarious that she's already performing this pregnancy. In the instagram photo they used to announce the baybay she either has the biggest three-month baby bump ever, or she's doing that thing where you stick your stomach WAY out.

Exactly! Which is why people stress that it's both, to avoid confusion.

I've always understood that when people say "Vegan" and "Cruelty free" the first part refers to the ingredients and the second to the fact that they aren't tested on animals.

It's still great to sing after breakups, it's just that now we don't get to ask her to sing it to us live after breakups. (oh man, now I wish I was rich enough to have a really great breakup song sung to me by the artist after some of my past breakups.)

I really like the tinted one in Red Dahlia. It's a super pretty color without the weird tingly whatever they put in the regular balm. My BF wears the honey flavor and I'm not a fan.

I really like the tinted one in Red Dahlia. It's a super pretty color without the weird tingly whatever they put in

I ordered some after reading the original article and it came today! I've only had it on an hour or so but I think I'm in love.

I ordered some after reading the original article and it came today! I've only had it on an hour or so but I think

Right, plus you also need the skill and practice to do it as well as she did here. It's not about strength, it's about proficiency. He wasn't proficient enough to fall correctly, poor dear.

He's totally trolling us, right? Because that would almost make me like him for a second.

I think they do quality over quantity, so they do four items rather than five like some other subs. The cruelty free and vegan aspect make me feel good about them, and the products feel like gifts from a particularly thoughtful friend.

It's only been two months so far but I am in LOOOOOVE with Petit Vour.

I didn't feel like spamming my friends either so I sat on the waitlist, but after a few weeks (I know, I'm impatient) I emailed them and asked them to give my spot to someone else, thanks anyway. They said they could do that buuuuuut they could also start my sub right now if I wanted to stick around! I did and I

Wow, that sucks! Sorry they did that to you. It's not like it's heavy or oversized or anything like that.