
I got suspicious when he was so proud that he had secretly snapped a photo of… her seat number. Yup. That's a seat number alright! It made me start thinking there was nothing here to see.

Yup, I'm all about Krakow. He was SO cute and SO full of yearning! The worst part of it ending so abruptly was that Angela had finally seen that, and we never got to see the results.

That depends: which kid?


That is hilariously disgusting. Hilarigusting? Disgarious?

Oof. Stay strong! I hope the food is at least tasty.

I love me some Baroness. She seemed fun, and I totally want to hang out with her and Max.

I love me some Baroness. She seemed fun, and I totally want to hang out with her and Max.

Thank you for understanding, and not just dismissing me with a "But… I love his work and follow him on twitter! He seems so nice!" He's got the self-effacing Brit thing down to an art, and he knows how to work it to it's best advantage.

Oh he's got charm for miles if you agree he's the center of the universe and can do no wrong.

Isn't there a very famous blind item about Louis C.K. (whose work I absolutely love, and hoped it wasn't him) forcing a female comic to watch him masturbate by not letting her leave his hotel room?

At the time he was a lousy kisser and overly impressed with himself.

*cough* Coy has never been a strength of mine.

Oh thank goodness I wasn't the only one who misread it that way. It was a confusing moment there and I may have physically recoiled.

He's a beloved genre writer married to a musician who this site has a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with. They've got an open marriage, but this was back when he was with his first wife.

I wish I was as smart as you! Fucking a celebrity was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life, because I fucked over a truly great guy in the process. (and the celeb turned out to be a major douchebag, although I shouldn't have been surprised one whit.)

I just found this in an article written not long after his death, which paints a slightly different picture:

That was the first thing that popped into my head, too.

Well, since the husband died the same way while living with the mother, my money's on her.