
They have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

Who still buys bugs on the train? Bug shopping is why the internet was invented

I don’t see the big deal. Everyone should want to save America’s pastime. I believe this lady, who holds baseball in a special place in her heart. Why convolute this issue with facts, numbers, faces, or reality? Support our troops.

“Fuck. So close.”

“Descend into autism.” Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. FUCK. YOU.

So you think that we Autistic women don’t exist?

Anti-vaxx movement stands against Autistic people by pushing harmful propaganda that promotes fear and prejudice towards Autistic people, the anti-vaxx movement has also seen a sea of money being used to disprove the myth of a connection between vaccines and autism -

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

It’s not exactly the same, because the “reach” you had wasn’t that high. You could share those tapes/CDs with your friends/family, not someone you do not know on the other side of the planet.

To be fair, Rush is a spittle-spewing blowhard who always sounds like his own neck fat is trying to strangle him and probably can’t walk more than 20 feet without having to sit down and wheeze as his own body tries to take one for the team and crush his heart from the inside. Cruz seems positively dapper by comparison.

This is good Kinja

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

The problem with all of these is that they are actually Oscar Wilde quotes.

MAYBE it is just because I am a cynical asshole and also a fat but the joke was that she is fat right?

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.

Well, I can see why they all cheated on you.

Pseudoscientific thinking about pregnancy is exactly why people think absurd things about impregnation, though. Furthermore, scientific trials help us understand more than just the causal mechanism, but also frequency and other mitigating factors.

I didn't say all of it. I said a lot.

we push for better studies.

"I'm a mixture of all the Brazilian animals. I was born out of the explosion of joy that happened when they announced that Rio would host the Olympic Games. Now, I shall swim into your penis and infect you with Olympic spirit!"