Zach Miller

“So we go into NOA and tell them we have an idea for a game about nothing.”

I’m never complaining about winter here in Anchorage again.


Same, although I backed the wrong horse back when the KS started and now I’m waiting on a Wii U code 😞

Backers (like me) got an update email on the 3rd saying a price and release date hadn’t been decided yet. Four days later and they have? And where are the backer codes for this?

This is exciting. Fuck loot crates and the devs who embrace them. There is no Hell hot enough.

*heavy, baffled sigh*

Just FYI: that poster’s not great. Interesting in that it attempts to highlight different clade names, but many of the drawings are...not good.

Just FYI: that poster’s not great. Interesting in that it attempts to highlight different clade names, but many of

Okay, so here’s an idea.

Are her demon wings perpetually wrapped around her waist? If so that seems like a huge waste.

And if you have the PS3 version, you might still be trying to get through Portal due to the brutal, unforgivable load times.

You can’t use your inventory during boss fights! It’s annoying!

Anyone who calls Yoshi’s Island “easy” has also never attempted a 100% run. The game is BRUTALLY difficult, especially later on, if you’re trying to get all the Red Coins, Flowers, and survive to the end of the stage with 30 stars.

Well, I always thought the best way to play Street Fighter II was on a Genesis controller. They eventually stopped making Genesis controllers.

WTF ending aside, the first Silent Hill is WAY better than Prince of Person. Great practical creatures and great atmosphere.

Good to see some Circle of the Moon love. It’s one of my favorite Castlevania games. I’d be remiss in mentioning the game’s many unique naming options which remix Nathan’s attributes and can make the game significantly tougher (Thief mode is quite hard)!

Maybe someday GameStop will go out of business.

This is some goddamn bullshit. If you’re going to charge me money to play the game, DON’T CHARGE $60 FOR IT.

Came here for Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes. Was disappointed.

I was bamboozled into buying a counterfeit Boa Hancock figures years and years ago on eBay. Protip: don’t go with the lowest-priced option. Actually, if you’re in the market for figures, just use