Right there with you. I saw it when I was 10 in theaters. I think it holds up incredibly well; it’s my Favorite Movie, and I still weep like a baby during the Brachiosaurus scene and get goosebumps when the Rex steps out of its pen.
Right there with you. I saw it when I was 10 in theaters. I think it holds up incredibly well; it’s my Favorite Movie, and I still weep like a baby during the Brachiosaurus scene and get goosebumps when the Rex steps out of its pen.
Totally had that toy and all the others, by God. The big red T.rex made roaring and stomping noises though! Too bad it couldn’t actually stand up!
I also bought it on PS3 in HD. And I beat it AGAIN.
Not a great date movie.
Not a great date movie.
Is that the game’s biggest scare? I got to that point, said “FUCK THIS!” and switched to something else. If it keeps going, but not as bad, I may continue.
Have not received the email yet. Hmmm...
Just rewatched the original. It’s so good. WATCH YO WATCH YO WATCH YO BACK!
Surprisingly busty jumpsuit April was the best April.
Yeah, that sort of counts. Anyone else wince in agony while that one went down?
I had a similar incident with a lying liar who lies about B. Orchid from Killer Instinct.
Somewhat trolling comment:
It's on my list of PS4 games to buy once I get a PS4.
They routinely rework core Zelda games. Hell, Link Between Worlds was originally a straight remake of Link to the Past. I think Aonuma's language conveys deeper cuts.
It means "we're rebuilding the game from the ground up because our vision FAR exceeded our reach on this one."
Stripperella gets a hard time, but I kind of like it. It's campy and knows exactly what it is. There's some genuinely clever writing. I've always put it in the same superhero category as things like "The Tick" and maybe even the old Adam West Batman series: campy to the point of being satirical. The stripper stuff is…
This is the part where I remind everyone that, at PAX East at least, there is a room dedicated to learning and playing Steel Battalion that is ALWAYS full. I went in there just to look at the controller one time (because I'd never seen one in the wild). It's incredible. Somebody dreamt that up and made it, then…
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