
In the context of a school project or a discussion of cultures there is no problem, the problem is when we are just going about living our life as a member of a community and get asked repeatedly "so where are you from" while the white person next to you does not get asked, it only serves to remind us that we are

These make me so sad. I have heard things like these all day. A conversation I have had many times:

Agree. And isn't she a lawyer or something? She doesn't seem to understand how Law works.

I loved the ikea Monkey story. I live in Toronto, and every time I'm at that Ikea, I lean over and show my kids the elevator bay "that's where the Ikea Monkey was". Toronto landmark.

I , love, love, love Jo Malone orange blossom, and I'm in my late 30s. Maybe I should check out Karma. We may have similar tastes!


ugh. I am born and have lived in Toronto my whole life, and I am tired of this. Enough already. I get it, it's funny, but we have to live with this lout as our Mayor.

Stanley Tucci and Felicity Blunt seem like the cutest, sweetest couple. I wanna be at their Thanksgiving.

I am not Mormon, but also grew up in a culture and religion that values Modesty (Muslim). As such, I have always been uncomfortable with my naked body, even though I do not consider myself religious anymore. I honestly did not feel that my body was my own to appreciate or love. I found these pictures so moving. I am

I'm getting my daughter (6 years old) a hot pink ukulele. Don't tell her please.

I've never been a Gossip Girl watcher, but congrats kids. Such lovely dimples on those two. Dimples make me happy.

This picture was shown awhile back on my post mastectomy support group. It was decided that this may be a better option than breast reconstruction.

The tube is coming out of the exact same spot as my drain tubes after my mastectomy. No thanks.

The tube is coming out of the exact same spot as my drain tubes after my mastectomy. No thanks.

Now I know I have made dinner and cleaned the King Tut exhibit.

I am BRCA1 positive. I'm sorry you are going through this. I have completed both a mastectomy and have had my ovaries out. It's been hard, but I really urge you to seek support. There are some awesome Facebook groups of very supportive women who can help you with any questions, and just be there. They have been so

Just wanted to add, I'm not shaming his looks. I am however, shaming his red, satin puffy shirt.

I kinda liked mr. Magoriums wonder emporium. My kids really like it.
Apparently I'm a dork. I'll see myself out.