
These people are garbage. No sympathy for your 10 year old account. Cry about it cheater.

This is probably a handy way to stream the media via Chromecast too, since you can cast a Chrome tab!

Serves them right. NDA is a bitch.

well good. that'll learn 'em

holy shit, what a bunch of assholes.

It’s simply to be expected at this point and is less a marker of WoW’s quality (or lack thereof, whichever you want to argue) and simply its age and legacy. Big developments see a bump, then people tend to roll out.

nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU

Along with half my socks and youthful appearance.

Same with my sex life.

There is absolutely nothing impressive while standing there doing nothing while your buddies do all the work. It’s just a demonstration of a mechanic in the game that shares exp for kills, not any amount of skill, which is oddly called out in the article.


Can I use my penis to unlock my iPhone? And more importantly, will it vibrate upon unlock?

I’ve got a Smart idea for you

Cannot unhear.

Oom-pa loom-pa doompadee-doo

it's not a decent laptop yet not a good tablet with a good applications marketplace. i wish to have a laptop with full specs or a tablet with a good appstore, not a mid-concept device with a mid-concept tablet-ish os like windows 8.1.

Hey, there's no need to be mean spirited. He's got a point. If you're gonna pick on the physics,then Tony Stark should have been smeared all over the inside of that suit the first time he had to make a sharp turn.