
If you're crafty, you can train a couple of coyotes to run around in circles tie them to the crank handle for some "free" power.

Never gets old... lol @ his response. "Its not my fault" lmao

Ok.. The story of the little guy is sad...

where can I send my money for more of this

Basically what it looked like in my child-like brain when I watched it live. Now what I see on TV..well.

The primary obstacle to "Flying Cars" isn't the vehicle itself. Its the infrastructure.

Are you offering your backers any return on their investment?

Not everyone has enormous boobs. I don't, for example.

No matter how you slice it, he says, your typical moviegoer knows practically nothing about the properties of black holes. Why, then, would an audience necessarily be more confused by a more complex, realistic image?

"I own you poop! AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!"

Yeah, but virtual mirrors are practically useless for resurrecting the dead, opening infernal portals to demonic parallel planes, ensnaring the fiendish outriders of Cthulhu or vanquishing Medusa.

This ignores the many practical advantages mirrors have, such as the fact that they use no electricity, still work if they crack, cost very little to produce and don't require any rare earth elements, etc.

Wow, so how about some law enforcement reform? Don't these people call from anonymous numbers? Like...why would law enforcement act on a tip from an anonymous number about a hostage situation? Like what sort of person would have a credible tip on a hostage situation, and call from an anonymous number? Is law

double pass

Hands down Pushbullet is my app of 2014. I've been onboard from the early stages and I've turned into a crazy lady evangelist about it! It's definitely what Airdroid wanted to be but wasn't. My one feature request would be for a PB add-on for the MacOS right-click menu.

I couldn't agree more on how responsive they are.. Any time I've sent an email with question/feedback/feature request, I'd get a response from Ryan (or his email handler) within the next few hours.. I wish they had a Paid version or a Donate option.. It kind of feels like stealing when I use Pushbullet every time,