Jeez. You want all Trump all the time? There is room in the world for a little arts coverage.
Jeez. You want all Trump all the time? There is room in the world for a little arts coverage.
No way! Nobody could have guessed that her appeal on fox would not cross over to a general audience. Next you’ll tell me that Steve Doocy couldn’t just hop on over to CBS.
Well, at least that is adorable?
Get like four cats. They don’t necessarily even have to hunt, the smell of predator puts them off.
I am trying to see the negative in looking like a fancy pirate.
This post makes me think that some definitions of inflammatory are a little broad. Bill Maher is inflammatory. If Oswalt is trying to be the same, he is falling far short.
Just a small correction: Donald Glover (who would have been awesome in the role) politely asked people to cut it out because they weren’t doing him any favors in Hollywood.
I thought he was one of the new Klingons.
Madge probably loved The Phantom Menace.
I came to post this. It is a very basic bit of tomato growing knowledge and casts doubt on the article from the title.
Wanted: Eastern European woman to read political briefs. Must be able to make briefs sound fawning and erotic. Favorite color orange. Bikini photo a must.
Then we should have been. They and their allies burned down the White House fee goshsake.
Because, according to NASA, there has been?
How greedy of him not to want to bear his final years in loneliness.
He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch mated with a fruit bat.
So is he going to be able to fight each of these cases one at a time? Isn’t these some way it can all be one big trial?
He wanted to give it to Baxter Black.
Aztecs are the largest group of indigenous Mexicans, but are still dwarfed in numbers by other native groups added together.
I agree that someone had to make some kind of assessment of AB’s bikini appearance if she was going to be on screen that way. The class act would have been to have a female producer or PA or someone take her aside for this. They don’t want to start shooting and have an actor didn’t reveal that they had scabies on…
How about Michael Rooker?