The Curse of Millhaven

Jade Empire was the bomb.

Maniac86 has the correct definition. Just google it. The uncanny valley is only the part where humans feel revulsion to the simulated person.

Hmm. I remember thinking that the accent was okay in Deadpool. I mean yes, he did an accent but it does not seem broad or racist. The character being a cab driver is kind of a stereotype though.

Now I want to see a comic book movie about “Law Roach,” the hero who dresses like a bug to enforce the law..

Meh. Tragedy plus time as they say.

They can also cause such severe confusion that you end up on a psych unit. I am a psych nurse and one of the first things we do when people arrive is check em for UTIs.

Dilutes in the sense that it is not a serious issue. The anti-Obama crowd had zero credibility for some of the same tactics.

Am I the only one who thinks that the comments about her feet on the sofa are silly? Call em out constantly, but make sure that there is something behind it. Otherwise it just dilutes our real complaints.

She is the British Alexis Bledel.

Just in case. They have to make sure it wasn’t the gravedigger who got fired for intoxication on the job or a family member who felt ripped off finacially or something.

“Smells like Gold Bond medicated powder”

Can you imagine if doctors and nurses had observed this?

I know. It is really puzzling.

Much as I deplore Christie, he should have been chief of staff. So many things would be going better for Trump with a grown-up in the room.

I’m going to order me a denim jacket to wear with my jeans to formal events, start following the hockey, and start apologizing even more than I already do.

Don’t forget radiant and necrotic elephants.

I always find this odd when the outrage is over just wearing costumes associated with a strong culture that has great influence in the world. Like a samurai costume just seems similar to a cowboy costume or a Roman centurion costume as far as being fair game for dress up. You know, as long as one doesn’t use makeup or

Yes! Yes! I’m in Canada! Beer, bacon and touqes for everyone!

So, is the character from Ghost in the Shell a similar, very Japanese archetype within Japan? Like the story is about Japanese identity the way the Godfather is about Italian American identity?

But you’d actually be offended if it was set in the US?