The Curse of Millhaven

He rejects the white supremacist. That part of the movie is supposed to tell us that he is NOT that crazy, racist gun-nut asshole, but an ordinary guy carrying out fantasies of imposing decency on the world around him. There is a country song that has the line "I use my gun whenever kindness fails..." and I think that

Wake me up when I can get a 9-inch E-pipe that tastes as good as my real ones. Gandalf never had to recharge.

Mr. Fantastic: Jon Hamm. Sue Storm: Kristen Bell. Ben Grimm: Mo-cap Adrien Brody. Johnny Storm: Daniel Brühl. Dr. Doom: Christopher Waltz (in lifts, shot to look tall etc.) The director will be someone who has made something good that was not an action movie, but who can do action too. These actors are selected

I think that you hit it. Seeing women get killed would have been a bummer. He should have stuck, say, two into fighters that did not get blown up. If Porkins can fly a fighter then so can a woman.

Make Mr. Fantastic a goddamn mature scientist guy. He should be a fit, attractive 40-ish fellow. He has grey temples for a damned reason: to communicate his age on a comic book page. Gruffudd looked stupid with that color. You have Johnny Storm for the younger eye candy.

My best friend got married to someone who hated all of his friends and that was that. Thank god that my girlfriend of 20 yrs is also my real best friend. As a male over 40 the statistical chances of another best friend are basically zero.

The biggest problem with these, like that of all slutty costumes, is their cheapness. Spend a couple of hundred bucks for some awesome tights and a tight green vest or whatever already. If you are only going to spend $30, just get that Snoopy covered with Christmas lights sweatshirt.

The perfect woman loves me for who I am. I found her, and by every metric on the list (except for career - she has one) she would not measure up. Because I am human I occasionally wish she did, but I would not trade her for some damned Men's-Health-approved Barbie meets Tina Fey meets fitness model. She is a better

Not nearly enough fun, though. I was really pointing out that the study seemed to be about the manner of death rather than the timing and that the manner (sudden) seems kind of better than slow to me. Optimally I won't even see it coming.

The future brings a crapload of changes, but they are rarely the ones that people predict. Instead of flying cars you get the internet. Instead of space travel you get....

So, I don't want to die NOW, but I do want to die suddenly when the time comes. I already ride a motorcycle. Sounds like smoking may be a lifestlye change that I should look into.

How much of the great Trek empire really embodies that old sense of the future, anyway? TNG and Voyager only sort of did so sometimes, DS9 just didn't. Enterprise did but failed. I think that that spirit was possible in the sixties and is really hard to have now.

Seriously this. Unless there are a ton of early reviews that say "This movie is so terrible it will destroy your enjoyment of Star Trek forever," I'll be seeing it.

Oh, man. If they could just work Victor Garber in somehow I would totally be in.

Well, you and others are talking about it and thus generating excitement and discussion about the movie without anyone spending a dime on publicity. Mission accomplished, J.J..

Well, he kind of was not really named until the end of ESB, right? I mean Vader is just a nom de Sith.

I always find this acceptance of Montelban as an Asian to be odd, really. I mean, I never thought about it when watching the original because I assumed that he was just supposed to be multiracial. But if we are going with the deeper explanations of canon that he really is Asian, how is Montelban better than any other

Spock becoming emotional was a trope of sorts that appears in several episodes of ToS. Criticizing Abrams for including something from the old show is highly illogical.

I don't get this either. She was at least as strong as the original Uhura. Maybe there are some "strong woman" moments that I am not thinking of but there was also a reasonable "damsel in distress" level as well. Nichols made her awesome, but on paper she got a lot less play than did series regulars of the same level

Yeah, I think that this has more to do with the kind of businesslike handjob you are going to get from your wife of twenty years than with the basic concept of a handjob.