
you guys need to include Tom Hardy from Warrior

damnit... i ran thru NY times naked for NOTHING.... That, and all my money wasted on paid sex and now i have STDs

Draco - i'm reading too much into it, but my mind keeps thinking that the drug will go rouge and destroy healthy tissues.

i listen to his mumbling for over 10 years. I'm sure i'll be able to pick up what Nolan throws at me.

how is it that an asteroid can be captured by earth gravitational field and then escape it after a few rotation? wouldn't the gravity hold it in place?

Question : Why are games nowadays produced in such lengthy terms that it takes players longer and longer time to complete? i have lots of games backlogged and each game i add to the stack is an even longer game than the rest.

"Using this technology, they would be able to detect increasing levels of cocaine and cannabis in the air and prevent crime" They didn't mention HOW this will help prevent crime. Either case, it sounds too ludicrous to make sense.

good for you. all the girls i know are shallow, Twilight-loving fans

this war will only bring about the neverending battle between males vs females...

what if he immediately forgets whatever was instructed to him by his father the moment after his dad spoke? i sometimes do that... under stress especially when faced with my boss. I immediately fazed out and only see his mouth move but have no idea what he has just said. :)

how did the camera survive the blast?

these should be invented already.... confirm kill.. (not sure if they already are??)

—-> it's a "not a very likely event." thats wat they always say, right?

the bat-head is facing the wrong way. LOL

the video demo gives me the impression that it needs more tweaking... i'm hearing tons of echo and have no idea what is being said.

so now... shredding your documents may not be safe anymore? the alternative is to burn your docs.

we are transforming into a police state.

why am i not surprised the US government are behind this?

so ignoring the laws of gravity and the fact that i'll melt if i was on the surface, how will the stars and sky look like if i were to stand on the surface of that star?