
I came here to say this lol who are buying these piles of shit?

Corvette’s and saturns you can! i have thought about this for YEARSSSS

EVO X Awd pump, behind the rear wheel, where it gets corroded to heck. 

Nice ride but 10k? idk with 200k and needing the stuff it does. 

good concept except you’re relying on the engine to knock for the timing to get turned down, so the engine has to be near danger for the computer to compensate, its not going to know what fuel you have in it otherwise.  

i will drive my gas guzzler vette until there is no more gas available lol.

amazing idea. 

they could totally fix that car if they just dumped in an STI engine

1982 trans am with all blown suspension

Lexus SC300

you can turn that off on like all gm cars lol

uh probably make it not cost $90k? lol then they’d actually sell some units. 

after owning a ton of full size trucks and stuff i now prefer myself a sedan. Almost nobody needs a full size truck for a daily driver. 

i see all the cars on there idk?

its a fucking bronco bro, not a ferrari. 

aston is an exotic. that’s why you don’t see it on your drive to work everyday. 

First one: trade that sucker in! screw dealerships doesn’t bother me to get one in on them.

any land cruiser under 6k is a scam unless its a rotted out POS

maybe bicyclists should stay out of the road where there are machines that weigh thousands of pounds moving sometimes very fast? 

this is awkwardly a little too clean for your taste. barely any rust underneath and it has interior.