
So I guess all that time Slayerage spent trying to 2 man it was for nothing

AAA Diamond parking was done away with for VIP(Extra $$$) parking.

There goes any hope for Figment =(

Loot cave I really don’t consider an exploit just abuse of enemy spawn mechanics.

3rd vault upgrade.

I thought they changed that once Drew and the new producer took over.

They mail you your winning slip later to claim since they wanted more people to actually get prizes

Yes. NHRA use to also race full 1/4 mile before dropping to 1000ft after Scott died at Englishtown.

Tracks vary in length from start to net but a good majority of them are over 1/2 miles. The safety net use to be 1 net until someone was injured from the sudden G’s induced by the net that they went with a 2 net design

Serfaboy is pretty much someone who aims to break Destiny. He is the same guy who attempted to bring 2 relics out of the VoG raid.

Could be worse, could be the 2 guys that reported an issue to at&t

Tip from some of my friends

I don’t see how that would be an issue. The maps are different between Regicide and Sunless Cell(The rotating platforms are missing from regicide/patrol)

Don’t blame them for yelling. Next plan is about $100 more than the phone itself

Maybe that was it. I definitely remembered a bad batch of games being something else

Yeah I believe it was a factory error. I remember an article earlier here that had a similar story involving bestbuy not believing their entire stock of games was spider man discs

That is why I stated before he writes the ticket. Once the pen meets paper the ticket has to be finished for most police departments

It depends on the violation and officer involved. Bad brake light? You may get a pass if this happened before he writes the ticket. Speeding? You still will get the ticket

1072 hours played.

I don’t have an addiction to destiny. Seriously that is lower than I expected

The one I went to ran(forgot the order) Captain America, Warcraft, Kungfu Panda 3, 5th wave, Independence Day 2, and Zootopia, Gods of Egypt

My coworker did the math when obamacare was introduced, it was cheaper to pay the fine than it was to get obamacare

It depends on the insurance.

Your car insurance won’t do much since you were in your house.
Home owners(or renters) insurance may not cover it since it isn’t fault with the house.