
to be fair, hate is hate, and accepting some ‘acceptable’ forms of hate enables or encourages the other forms of hate that are ‘less acceptable’. It’s all bad and it feeds from our accepting of ‘hate we agree with’ and simultaneously attacking ‘hate we don’t’. I get tons of hate when I take unpopular-in-the-forum

it’s either ok to troll or it’s not. being female is an attribute, nothing more, and nothing special, presuming equality is the ideal. for some reason society has decided which attributes to protect, and which are OK to troll on. I don’t get how the folks arguing for inclusion are so quick to exclude others with

Sorry, I just don’t subscribe to that.

I’m not being disingenuous. It’s just it’s the internet, where any 13 year old jackass can tell you they hope you go die in a fire because of ANY reason.

You have to deal with trolls, is that essentially what we’re talking about here? Because there’s nothing all that special about that experience.

I do think having a cheap, easily replaceable, sacrificial guard is a good idea for an area thats so low to the ground and so prone to damage. I just don't see why FCA doesn't capitalize on the interest by making better quality aftermarket guards in other colors. There's a market, people will buy them. 

Can you imagine being so petty that you care whether someone has something attached to their car that is not functional nor a risk to others?

And Plum Crazy Purple is going to get people to take them off? I doubt it.

I’d imagine putting capsules in cargo would make a mockery of any launch abort or other emergency escape situation. SpaceX might be ok with that, and I’m sure you could still find people willing to risk it, but I imagine regulators would be unhappy, and I’m sure NASA would frown on it for its astronauts.

Looks like it was put together with tinfoil and tape.

No reason a cave diver would ever move somewhere with so many caves!

And this is the guy planing your mission to mars.

Real talk that’s probably true about Musk. White South Africans didn’t magically become not-racist after Mandela was elected.

Seriously? He responded to mild criticism by calling someone he doesn’t know a pedophile. How is that not thin skinned?

Blue is the new Red.

WALL-E is always how I envision our future.

That’s why they make you agree to their insane impractical EULA and hold that little Liability Button.

Anyone in their right mind will freely and publicly have disdain for a company that has no shame in publicly beta-testing autopilot software on a 4k pound vehicle that can seriously injure or kill someone.

He’s an arrogant idiot with no end to his hubris and his fanbois will put up with him literally killing people.

It’s hard enough not running them over when you’re actually in the car, since they dart out without warning. How is someone supposed to avoid hitting them with a smartphone app while not in the car? Being across the parking lot means there are angles that you could see your car and not see a child. Seems even more