Damn...me and my positive experience have been reduced to an anecdote of no more value than a fact on the Internet.
Damn...me and my positive experience have been reduced to an anecdote of no more value than a fact on the Internet.
A long running sit-com produced by the BBC in the UK. Little wonder you might be unfamiliar with it.
You should try car spotting in western Sydney, Australia. Full of all sorts of old shit...
UBI without a properly funded and operating education system across your country that is essentially free, provides a consistent curriculum across all states and counties and fosters intellectual and creative success is a potential disaster in the making.
Rear windows in most modern cars are as functional as a window in a coal mine...and almost as redundant.
I remember a mate at school had a restored bright Fiat 500. Once, when he pulled up beside me to say G’day and chat about a forthcoming weekend...the only effective way for us to have a polite face-to-face conversation while he was in the car and I was on the footpath was for him to open the sun roof. That was a…
Isn’t the latter the case with most TG car reviews? And has always been the case. Otherwise we’d all be driving semi-exotic sportscars and they’d be raving about the virtues of the rare and desirable beige Camry.
You are wondering how much you’d get for her and whether it’d be enough to actually buy it?
Before. After.
America? Fuck, no.
There’s a million of these things drifting around Australian suburbs in its Holden Commodore wagon guise even now...some of the drivers even have Italian heritage!
If you want to help...go give him a push.
These are both MQB platforms...have been for a while. You get the MQB in other models...
Is this a good time to point out that the automotive industry is no longer a particularly American thing anymore? Sure, a couple of major manufacturers are based there but their operations are now dispersed across many continents, countries and constituencies. So these couple of operations have an American culture…
Good enough to counteract the painful passing of a golf ball like object? Not my kind of cathartics.
I would take a swarm of mosquitoes over anal pain AND bad sex, any day.
He can repeal all he wants but it’ll potentially mean the US car market becomes even more anachronistic because...well...California and the RoW will keep their emission standards. Making America Great by only selling stuff to itself will not make America Great.
Is a Smart dumb or is that a dumb Smart?
Hmmm...I reckon it needs a full rainbow coloured grill and a unicorn hood ornament.