SilentButNotReallyDeadly...killed by G/O Media

My vote is for ‘Nibbles’.

Get in quick...they now live the life of a The Walking Dead zombie. And we know they get shot in face at the end of next season.

VW Polo with the 88TSI version of the 1.2L engine; or

Politeness is free. And not untasty.

I thought the new thing about this vehicle was that it was designed around the available fuel that its operating characteristics dictated what the rest of the vehicle should be in order to get the most out of the power source. What’s to hate about that?

Renault spends millions of dollars dreaming up a retrosmoothie Alpine face for the 21th Century that hides all the modern safety requirements required by five continents worth of safety authorities...and Torch spends three minutes lobbing the face of a long dead 70's classic on it and says to Renault...”bring it or

This happens just down the road from me and is the stuff of much hilarity in the backwaters down Renmark way. It is very much a community run event...Red Bull just throw the the Dinghy Club a bone.

Now playing

Much of Barry’s post racing career consisted of motorcycle commentary on Australian television and other televisual escapades of worthy of informative giggles.

It hasn’t made the M5 afraid anywhere they were sold together so why would BMW fear it in the US? They are not even in the same market bracket.

It just needed a gun toting nutjob for the sake of completeness.

Yeah that ain’t a good look. But I think you’ll find there’s not much throwing going on...these days we don’t seem to let them out of the ocean in the first place. Still not a good look.

Sorry to say Azzy but you are being lied to by your pro-gun lobby on both those counts...but if the message suits you then good for you.

It’s a well known fact on the Darkweb that this trim name is actually the result of a typographical error.

Interesting. But apart from some random and deeply committed car nuts on the Internet (a place known to be shaky on both facts and demographics) but no-one knows who the fuck Chris Harris is. Especially when compared to Chris Evans and the token American.

At least in Australia it’s generally only the wildlife that wants to kill the US it seems like everyone from Donald Trump down has the capacity to kill you on a whim...


...and they treat their occupants like they are riding in a tin too.

The relevance of the construction, promotion, auction and market valuation of the so called two millionth Defender is moot given that it is a massive marketing free kick for Land Rover, a windfall for the two benefiting charities and a source of pride for one happy (though perhaps deluded) customer.

Land Rover Discovery. With the hose out pack.