
That guy is an asshole of the highest order and should get booted from the app as a driver. 

Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone ever refer to Horizon as “underrated”

It’s never clear who any of these live-action adaptations are for. Fans of the animated series certainly aren’t asking for them. People who are aware of the animated series but never watched it don’t care. Is it for people who’ve ever even heard of the originals, like Warrior Nun? That was so different from the source

Jobs that can be easily automated away are jobs that nobody actually needs to do.

She wasn’t fired. Her contract was up & Disney didn’t renew it. This lawsuit isn’t going anywhere, she has no case.

Did the Ben Shapiro Cinematic Universe not work out for you, Gina?

Fun fact: Freedom of Speech only applies to the government censoring viewpoints. Private companies, like Disney, are allowed to set limits on their employees’ speech. Further, Disney didn’t fire this fetid cunt, they chose not to renew her contract between seasons.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

lol.  there it is.

I have nothing against Ridley or her character but FFS can Star Wars as an IP just move past the fucking Skywalker saga bullshit already? No more Skywalkers. No more Palpatines. No more Solos or Calrisseans or Chewbaccas or ANY of the INSANELY NARROW set of characters in this gigantic fucking universe. MOVE. THE.

Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.

i reckon those 18 months are gonna hit different when the guys lookin for work or probably enrollment in any number of government services

I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?

I loved The Last Jedi, but if the studio wasn’t willing to stand by it and it’s creative statement (and clearly they weren’t), they should have never let it be made in the first place. I would have rather had three The Force Awakens-quality movies with consistent themes and direction than the whiplash-fest we ended up

I love Daisy Ridley and John Boyega and Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver... I just wish the directors and scripts had been better. I don’t fault the actors and actresses at all for what those movies were. And yes, The Last Jedi was by far the best, even for all of its faults.

What is hilarious to me is that you just described Marvels Avengers. That game had a fairly robust 3rd person combat system, really good dialogue and scripted scenes, and an enjoyable single-player campaign.

Right?! I was like, “Congress? Or House Democrats? Because before every member of Congress listed in that article, I see “Rep.” and after every name, I see “D--”

I think if “Congress wants Biden to do something” then “Congress” would have voted on a motion directing him to do so. As it is, some members of the House of Representatives wrote a letter. Why write a headline that gives credit on this issue to a body dominated by the Republicans who caused it?

I am siding with the school on this one. It is not a public school - it is a private school with membership.