
There might be some in defense of the guy, but he’s still not in the major leagues just yet.

Wow is that a disgusting response to some pretty disturbing allegations. Just makes me believe them all the more. She’s a monster.

Honestly wild to me how combative you guys have gotten on my comment thread. You are reading way too much into my comment. While I do have a personal issue with a person cheating, I was actually previously in a similar situation with a former abuser who recorded me without my consent or knowledge. So I empathize with

Uh...okay? Not sure what you mean by grading or any of that shit. Think I made it pretty clear I consider Mills an absolute monster.

He’s scummy for cheating and she’s scummy for LITERALLY everything else. I feel bad for Williamson’s girlfriend more than anyone else in all of this. No, he doesn’t deserve to be harassed like this. But he still cheated. So my sympathy for him is limited.

Bloober has yet to deliver a properly cohesive and engaging game. Everything they come out with seems to be mediocrity with a measure of something greater hidden underneath all their pointless crap.

Shit like this is why I quit playing CoD years ago. The community in general was always insanely toxic.

Nah, Splinter got it right. She’s just a lying piece of shit with a victim complex.

Everything listed about Pence’s views are correct and horrifying... but there is sooooo much more to this guy that is not being brought up. Yes, abortion ban=bad, but let’s not forget:

Tried this on Sunday... it was disgusting. I’ll stick to the fanceroni pizza...

“Strong” message... right. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraud and no jail time??

So is Jez’s love affair with everything Pete Davidson finally over or...?

On another note, PETA can absolutely get fucked. As far as I’m concerned, they’re right up there with the Proud Boys in terms of shitty groups of shitty people.

My mother loves me to death. She would also never, EVER help me cover up a murder I committed.

Do you not have an editor or something? How is it every single one of your articles has some sort of horrendous typo, grammatical error, etc.???

They also claim racism no longer exists while simultaneously claiming illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs. They also enjoy eating their own shit.

How pathetic is it that the answer to your question is a resounding... yes.

I know it’s still technically a negative review but... that still sounds like high praise coming from PC gamer.

So not to go completely off topic but... just love how in Claudia’s interview she points out how awful Katy Perry is as well.

The reporting here is a bit of a mess and kind of misleading. I got so confused when I read this and couldn’t figure out who said what (Cheung’s writing has frankly gone SIGNIFICANTLY downhill lately). So, I decided to watch the entire, horrifying clip...