Weirdly... this might be the first Porsche I genuinely wish I could afford.
Weirdly... this might be the first Porsche I genuinely wish I could afford.
I REALLY don’t get the tone of this article. The writer legit sounds offended that this dude is nice enough to purchase actual freakin homes for his employees...
I will continue to not understand why people continue to support Nintendo.
So much this... I really don’t understand what their endgame is here. Their design language has gotten uglier and uglier with each passing generation.
Switched to GoNetSpeed from XFinity myself. Faster speed by 250 mb, new router and mesh extender all for $10 LESS than what I was paying XFinity.
This would have been a nice replacement for the wife’s Cruze IF it had AWD and a more sprightly engine. Sorry, but even she is itching for something with a bit more get up and go.
You are literally asking congressional Dems to grow a spine. That is entirely against their nature.
Prior to my Camaro and Cruze, I had a 2005 Corolla with just 3,600 at the time I purchased it... for $3,000... back in 2013. Insane how much prices have climbed.
GM are experts at shooting themselves in the feet, with both barrels, simultaneously and repeatedly.
You know that whole thing about not feeding the trolls???
I do so love how opponents of the measure are quit to bring out the “but muh profits” argument. I don’t give af personally. Littering, increased dui rates, and underaged drinking are far more significant concerns. But it wouldn’t be the American way if we actually considered people over profits for once...
Seriously, that was some lazy fact-checking on Kotaku’s part...
Getting some mad Tim Burton-esque Beetlejuice vibes...
I never said it was typical. I did say, however, that if both parties are mature about it and neither party did something egregiously wrong, there should be no reason why they can’t remain friends after if they so choose.
An ex attended my wedding as a mutual friend to both of us and two others sent us wedding gifts since they no longer lived in the same state. I 100% agree! Unless someone is being extremely deceptive in how they portray themselves or you just have absolutely shit taste in people, there is no reason why a relationship…
I’m friends with most of my exes with the exception of ONE extremely abusive relationship soooo...
That was exactly my first impression. It looks almost like PS2/3 era graphics and that’s just... kind of unacceptable from a studio like Paradox.
I see Jez still has really shit takes on things. Glad I didn’t miss much in the last few months.
So many mediocre men in the greys on this article lol
My understanding is that the co-worker was the fiancée of another coworker so it’s been pretty messy for them all around. But not 100% sure that’s the case.