
That was exactly my first impression. It looks almost like PS2/3 era graphics and that’s just... kind of unacceptable from a studio like Paradox.

I see Jez still has really shit takes on things. Glad I didn’t miss much in the last few months.

So many mediocre men in the greys on this article lol

My understanding is that the co-worker was the fiancée of another coworker so it’s been pretty messy for them all around. But not 100% sure that’s the case.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. The whole lot of them need to be removed. Those gender equality courses are going to be ineffective on their own if there aren’t any additional repercussions. 

There it is. I was waiting for you to get all unhinged like you did the last time lol

I was pretty young back then, but what exactly is your point here. Are you trying to make a case for Pitt instead?

I’m not sure what you mean about the crazy good thing and Jolie. Was she accused of being neurotic before or something?

Honestly, I’m not getting the comparison. Jolie has a crazy good reputation. Aside from the Jennifer Aniston bit, which, a case could be made that Pitt is far more at fault there actually being the one in the relationship, Jolie’s reputation is pretty immaculate compared to what Heard’s was. Heard and Depp both had

It’s funny... the pandemic gave my wife and I the opportunity to work together side by side on things. When we moved to CT, she ended up getting a job at my current employer. However, we have now both accepted positions at another company.

Man Kanye become the most Uncle Tom to ever Uncle Tom. Makes ol’ Ruckus look like a god damned civil rights legend at this point.

Jezebel is reaching Dr. Oz levels of scum with takes like this.

ACAB and defund (or more appropriately, abolish them entirely now) the police because what the fuck.

Ah crap.. I was actually looking forward to Amsterdam. Still more than I can say for DWD...

Holy shit I know I’m late to the party, but that unhinged response of yours was definitely peak comedy.

I don’t know what everyone is getting upset about. At least they didn’t cover anything offensive like the concept of white privilege, systemic racism, The U.S.’s slavery-infused history, or police brutality. It was just about forgiveness and love... and... pushup contests.......?

Spears is still a fat, gaping, sweaty asshole regardless of this case.

I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say...

Yeah it’s why I’m not 100% sure I’d agree one way or the other about it being exploitive for Stroh. Definitely no way to make that kind of call without knowing the details and I don’t want to know anymore than I already do.

I both agree and disagree with her. Now that more nonsense about Levine has come out, I would say there was a clear descrepancy of power between say him and his former yoga instructor especially since he could directly impact her ability to maintain an income if he were to shit talk about her to other clients.