
I seriously want to know how this evil witch got off with a slap on the wrist like that. That is INSANELY cruel, especially if you claim to understand how painful such procedures are.

B-but that can’t be? We’re so “pro-life” though!! I mean... besides the rampant school shootings...overrun foster homes...and federal legislation to outlaw child marriages to pasty old white assholes...

Guess I won’t be donating this year... which sucks because I know donating is important. But I imagine, ENSURING PEOPLE ARE FUCKING VACCINATED is more important than my $50 anyway.

This state needs to just sink already.

I’m not? I just thought that your initial comment doesn’t explore the topic deep enough. Yes they use tropes, but it’s how they’ve been used throughout the show that’s more novel compared to other, even contemporary interpretations.

Exactly. Stranger Things has always excelled at that from the start, which is why I find this whole article pretty damn disingenuous. The writer focused on the general trope and chose not to dive any deeper than that.

And that’s literally my point?

I think that’s a shallow interpretation and does the show a disservice. It’s more than just homage. The style, tropes, atmosphere used is more of a wrapping surrounding bigger issues that the show confronts. The monsters in Stranger Things are more physical manifestations of mental and emotional health issues than

Is the dead cheerleader a stereotypical trope? Absolutely. But to point out Chrissy’s character is notably different than the cheerleaders who died before her, only to ignore how that defense essentially contradicts your general argument that her death is “carrying out the natural ending for a whoring villain” is...

EXACTLY! Mine was a company flight as well. You can bet I checked my bag. Shoot, even if they weren’t paying for it, I would have forked over the $30 just for the convenience.

Please refrain from utterly whiny, stupid blog posts like this. I don’t even use overheard storage (I either travel light or check my bags), but this is some grade A level hissy fitting. You don’t sound patient at all.

People didn’t believe my ex was abusive. She was a petite little thing, just barely over 100 lbs while I was almost twice her size. She’d cry and people would just immediately assume I did something to her. She’d do things like tell people I neglected her when all I did the night before was not return her call in the

As a male victim of abuse, I already know I’m going to have a biased perspective, so I’ve personally done my best to stay out of it. I know that aspects of their relationship (the accusations against Heard specifically) I find that parallels my previous have been triggering. The insulting, the name calling, etc. all

I’ve actually noticed that the men’s clothing is more durable than the women’s. That said, my wife and I have had great experience with their pajama sets and casual clothes. She’s attempted to get more formal wear, but the cuts are always off and ill-fitting. One dress had one arm pit tighter and higher up than the

Weird... I didn’t take op’s comment as a criticism of the fast-fashion industry so much as it was a light jest at Shein’s expense over the quality of their clothing, to which I, in equally light fashion, made my own little quip about it being not so bad.

whoa... pump the breaks on the Shein-bashing. Granted, I would never buy an actual suit from them (okay, I did once and it felt like scratching paper so... $40 wasted...), but just look at this gorgeous deep blue dress shirt I am wearing to work today:

I never bothered with the Eiffel Tower either... but the Musee d’Orsay was a memory for a lifetime.

Been saying it for years... Republicans are evil, but effective. Democrats often represent the parable of the “good man doing nothing” schtick. They get in power, stall the country’s ultimately decline into madness, get voted out for barely doing enough. Then Republicans take over, further their evil agenda at a

I will never understand the purpose of carplay or android auto.

Waffle House really exemplifies this problem with the oddly violent and/or vaguely sexual “smothered, scattered, diced, capped, covered, chunked, and topped” language they force their wait staff to use instead of simply asking, “Would you like some stuff on your potatoes or would you not like some stuff on your