
Yup. I’m tired of this country’s perverted notion of “freedom” basically screwing over anyone who isn’t white or rich. The vaccine needs to be mandated, at least to participate in any social activities...

I live in Florida and I have several family members on both sides like that. The most pressing concern is my brother-in-law, who works in the customer service industry. But he’s still convinced that the vaccines were “rushed out” and haven’t been “tested enough.” My other brother in law, who is practically homeless at

Hey, congrats! You learned how to put words into other people’s mouths. Please, point out to me where I gave Disney permission to screw ANYBODY over.

I sure hope there’s a way that they both lose. Yes, even ScarJo because I don’t care if she has a legitimate claim. She is awful for all the reasons previously listed and then some.

Taught never to refuse sex with her husband unless it was an absolute necessity, and paired with her then-husband’s demands, Christy was left submitting to what felt like obligatory sex and guilt over how miserable she felt.

Yup... basically a bullshit excuse. Also this bit:

I’ve come to equate anything Shannon writes specifically as hypocritical, tasteless, and occasionally thirsty bullshit. I’m personally only here for the comment section, because most everyone here has a helluva lot more integrity than some of the writers at Jez, even when we do disagree with each other.

Unless that woman is your girlfriend, your wife, or a friend you need hype up before hitting the town, KEEP YOUR FUCKING COMPLIMENTS TO YOURSELF.

First off, you’re making a lot of stupid assumptions about ProudHamerican. So FOH with that comment.

My wife is high risk and with kids coming back in full next year we are both terrified. She has the vaccine, but that clearly can only do so much. I’m right there with you about hating all of this shit, ESPECIALLY capitalism.

Sorry (not really), but this is a stupid risk to take, even with the vaccine. We literally just had two staff members do something similar. They have Pfizer, went out to a public place with no mask to mingle with a bunch of strangers, got infected, convinced themselves it couldn’t possibly be COVID, and then infected

For me, my job had a subway on the inside of our building. I only ever went there for the fresh cookies and one of the girls working inside because she was hot and always gave me free stuff. But then I met the actual woman of my dreams who could make all sorts of delectable desserts from scratch and suddenly, the

Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.

As seen in the ANN News report, fans did make a pilgrimage to the vicinity, against the studio’s wishes, in order to pay their respects and pray.

I’m frankly just curious about the La La land this person apparently lives in if they think they can find anything at that price range that won’t depreciate so much when they plan on putting THAT many miles on it a year.

Seriously. Sound more bitter. The trio may not be at their peak, but they’ve been at this for so long, they’re more than welcomed to phone it in a bit.

Um... that’s basically what I said...

Lol yes fair enough.

Well yeah, you WOULD be an asshole if that’s what you do.

Get out of my head.