
You have no understanding of critical discourse. You’re just operating in bad faith with these comments of yours. Taking a critical stance does not at all revolve around one’s ability to offer an alternative.

So as someone who works with people with mental disabilities, behavioral issues, and emotional disorders, etc.

Come on, man. Open your mind a little.

This was simultaneously amazing and sickening. Well done!

Then I suppose the next logically question would be... why?



You might be American, but my French blood is screaming “Blasphemy! Heresy!”

I was taught never to wish evil on someone.

The seller deleted the post... hope nobody actually bought this obvious CP.

Because it’s a Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggg

It certainly lost some character compared to the first gen. But boring? Come on... surely, you jest.

I proposed to my wife by performing a song I wrote for her at one of our favorite restaurants. But I asked the restaurant permission first, and went just before their dinner service so we wouldn’t be bothering anyone.

I imagine had I tried pulling a “Love, Actually” my wife would have panicked, smacked me across the

Police in this country can outright murder and get away with it most of the times. Are you really surprised about the lying thing?

Wow that is a shit list lol But I consider any list where Budweiser is somehow in the top 10 to be a shit list.

So being an actual fitness junkie, I sorta cracked up when y’all first reported on this.

That is both incredibly stupid and incredibly dangerous. TF were they thinking??

Whenever I’m running to Naples, Waze is especially useful at tagging all the troopers hiding just out of sight. Google Maps doesn’t do that at all.

They’re both owned by Google. I’ll give you that about the interface, but the reality is they were designed with two different kind of uses in mind. Waze is far more dynamic and designed to be much better updating you on changing road conditions as opposed to Google Maps. Google Maps, on the other hand, relies on

Waze is good for when you generally know where you’re going. Traffic updates, accidents/stuff on the road, cops hiding out, etc. are all done much better on Waze than it is on Google Maps.