
I have never found a more perfect comment.

I stopped feeling sorry for her THE MOMENT I found out she’s looking into suing Gorilla Glue for her own blatant stupidity. Those “hate groups” she’s probably referring to are people like me who went from sympathizing to thinking she’s no better than people who order their coffee extra hot and then bitch about burning

I hope Gorilla Glue drags her ass out if she tries. Screw settling. Tired of jackass people suing because of their own jackassery.

This story went from me laughing, to feeling bad for her, then feeling hopeful when gorilla glue offered advice, then worried when she went to the hospital... and now I’m laughing at her thoroughly because how tf you gonna sue a company for your own blatant stupidity like that???????

If your mechanic overcharges you on parts, you have a shitty mechanic who shouldn’t even get your business for the labor.

But then again, I come from a family of mechanics and my actual mechanic is a family friend so... I’m a little spoiled.

An age-old stereotype that has only unfortunately developed strength thanks to Trump’s shit-stain of a presidency.

Probably my Camaro that I currently own. But I also plan on making it last for years to come. When the engine fails, I’ll just drop another in... or convert it to an EV.

If you feel inclined to label people who don’t know/care about the bullshit melodrama that constantly plagues youtube as “elitist,” then you are just way too damn invested.

I’d definitely try talking them down, but that’s still a pretty nice price for what it is. I’d never drive it personally, but I could see my wife getting a kick out of that thing. Believe it or not, but that trick hatch would be pretty useful for her since she’s an art teacher and all. 

Just a thought but maybe... we should all STOP watching football so damn much until these assholes get their shit together??? Each few of any game involving these pieces of scum is practically rewarding their disgusting behavior.

I guess we can add projecting to your growing list.

Wow you’re kinda hopeless.

They can’t sue what he said as the president, but if he opens his fat, ugly mouth now... it’s all fair game.

so it’s still best to avoid being in indoor spaces with people outside your household.

I know you were making that point. I was just reiterating because I’m beginning to question a certain someone’s critical thinking skills in this thread.

I mean... both on my wife’s and my side, people been popping out babies on the reg for years. None of them stopped due to COVID.

But he would have to do it NOW that he is a private citizen again.

Hey, missing the point AGAIN :D Congrats. Honestly, if you think this shit is going to end JUST because Biden took office, you’re being naive.

That is not the point. Preeeettty damn sure Dominion isn’t expecting to get anywhere near that amount should they win. This is meant to be a deterrent for future bullshit and to help redeem the legitimacy of their organization.

While I would say the police response was excessive... let’s not start comparing these jackass street punks to BLM protesters...