The Silencer

Don’t see why he can’t tour. I’d go see him. I saw his last tour and it was great. A new one would have a certain extra electricity. If there’s 2 attention seeking protesters outside then all the better.

to add. the way gamers and “nerd culture “ people act anymore, if anyone asks what my hobby is, I just say i watch porn, becasue at this point, its the LESS EMBARRASSING FAN-BASE I BELONG TO

Here’s what bugs me about asking for a well-done burger — amateur cooks who just try to cook the burgers at a higher heat for the same length of time. Don’t do that! That just makes things worse, because that’s not how physics works! Now the burger is burned on the outside and under-cooked on the inside.

Because it’s just so fun, let’s go over the scenario, shall we?