
One of the things I found moving at the March For Our Lives was how many kids gave shout-outs to the hippies and civil rights activists who’ve led the peaceful resistance way. I think in the culture war, they are trying to pit old against young, millenials against boomers. It was wonderful to experience those two

Did it occur to you that nobody else was acknowledging that there were Jewish students killed? That people were putting up crosses in their memory? If a Jewish publication won’t draw attention to them, who else will?

God, I’m so proud of these kids—and I’m only 24 dammit, calling them kids makes me feel old—I certainly had strong opinions at their age, but nowhere near the courage and skill they’ve had in making their message heard loud and clear.

They came prepared, too. They came prepared with a diversity of speakers, from different cities, with different stories – but in service of a common goal, to fight for something better

I never wanted to meet him! I just wanted a picture! YOU CAN’T DISAPPOINT A PICTURE!

Honestly those are some lazy fucks, you can totally use a non-rinse shampoo on them. I had friends who made that poor choice back in high school and college, they looked stupid, but didn’t smell weird.

That seems like the grossest, smelliest, dankest conga line in history.

You chose your words for a reason, looking to obfuscate with nomenclature. Sorry, I’m not the one. If you really are offended by Nazi behavior you don’t minimize their actions.

“His girlfriend testified that Mr. Meechan had never made known to her any anti-Semitic views whatsoever,” Brown said.

if you make a joke - you better have a comedic context around it - if not your going to jail, it really isnt that hard. This may finally have a chilling effect on these alt-rights guys running around expressing their vile views. I wish they could use this law on my boss who is always spouting off about Libertarianism.

Anyone who teaches a dog Nazi ideology should be in prison. Dogs have to sit there and be indoctrinated with this garbage, they have no choice. The courts did the right thing.

It was not Roman saluting, it was sig heiling, as the command requests.

“Its not police brutality, its just slapstick!”

Basically “just joking” is not a defense in law.

“His girlfriend testified that Mr. Meechan had never made known to her any anti-Semitic views whatsoever,” Brown said. “The accused possesses both tolerant and liberal views. His girlfriend is in no doubt it was an example of his sense of humor.”

He’s excusing the guy who made the video as “comedy” and therefore fine as though there isn’t a sizable difference between a deliberately provocative set in an agreed venue like a comedy club and just uploading a video on a website with no fucking context.

Even Ricky Gervais has jumped on the “Free Speech” bandwagon. Funny how the guy hates animal testing but antisemitic videos, nah that’s just a laugh mate.

Just the username alone gives a clear indication of the level of intellect we’re dealing with. If he only wanted to annoy his girlfriend like he poorly claimed the tosspot would just show her when she got home, not put it publicly up on Youtube with him saying “gas the Jews”.

uh... mostly my couch. and my office. and my car in traffic? :-/

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?! Monique, I need you to be my mating mentor?! I NEVER get approached by anyone who’s not old enough to be my dad or a creep! :-/