
Good one.

Yeah, the Seahawks should wait until after the game to run up on opponents with cheap shots.  Totally acceptable.  

Normally, I like a good kerfuffle, but the NFL needs to fine and/or suspend him for this. Game’s over, Aaron! You had your chance, and it was on the field, right after the cheap shot. Be a man and get kicked out of the game like a real OG. You don’t go searching for a fight after the game.

Funny.  No one in LA had heard of the Rams before this, either.  Guess it goes both ways.

How did she not get a yellow card for flopping?  

Cocaine’s a helluva drug.  

Jim Mora plays soccer?

You know there’s no God when we lose Paul Allen instead of one of these two geniuses...

I’ll admit, I felt similarly about Far Cry 5. The ability to hike, ride, and fly around a HUGE open world, in beautiful MT to boot - combined with top-notch graphics, scenery, and detail - had me stopping from time-to-time to look around.  Like a CG vacation...except for the cults, killing, and Grizzly Bear sidekick.

Is the flopping just meant to get the attention of the officials? I’m hoping that the goalie isn’t so soft to go down from that “punch,” but did it to get the attention of the officials so the game could stop. The manager - coins HURT. Especially if they’re thrown from a good distance. That said, I can’t imagine

If they’d have taken a knee, Fox would’ve covered it...


WWWAAAAAAAA! This wouldn’t be a problem if they’d just switch to field turf.  

If you can blame the Seahawks, you can just as well blame Thomas and his agent.  Or blame the player’s union, who negotiated on behalf of the players...

Math has no place in collegiate sports!

Proof positive that Wahlberg is a dumbass. Why not go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 6am?

He’s safe. Great. Now we can all leave him alone so he can address whatever ails him without the media and fans grinding him into a pulp for entertainment’s sake (like that’s going to happen).

Maybe I wasn’t clear...

I don’t think Daryl’s math is right....

Did you dare go into this dude’s house? He sounds like a nice enough guy, but obviously has some problems.  Also, were the cars emptied of their gas/oil/coolant before being stored, or did it all just seep into the ground over time?  Seems like a massive haz-mat site...