Lemme guess. John Wells is an old, white guy?
Lemme guess. John Wells is an old, white guy?
Way to take all of the fun out of the best comic of all time.
Tom Brady’s training and lifestyle regimen is guided more by Lance Armstrong than Guerrero.
The perfect coach for Wazzu. Neither of them give any fucks. The man is a treasure. Go Cougs.
Being at the game, it was great to see and hear both Houston and Seattle fans booing them DURING the anthem. Very classy, and not at all hypocritically disrespectful the flag and anthem.
My wife calls me sexist every time I say that someone’s being “a pussy.” So, just to be safe, I’ll say Cam is being a huge vagina this year.
They play football in Maine?
Weren’t they still on offense, so therefore it’s understandable that Lynch would be subbing in on the next play anyways? The scrum just happened to be going on, and he went in to break it up. Shouldn’t have pushed the ref, accidentally or purposefully, and it seemed like he accepted his ejection OK.
“Nothing beats this big air,” except other big airs from skateboarding, surfing, kiteboarding, wakeboarding, and any other boarding that involves landing and maintaining momentum/propulsion. Sinking is easy...
Can’t outrun a helicopter...
Maybe he got mad because he was standing for the flag too long.
Trump wishes he had that guy’s hands.
What an asshat. The guy’s pretty stupid, too!
At least they stuck by their guns instead of whining like most of the disingenuous, false patriots online. Hopefully they’ll stay off of the NFL, team, and player social media pages too.
Awesome idea. Problem solved, move along.
Those weren’t bad, but it’s hardly a “color rush” to change the Bengals unis to all white. They did look sharp. The Texans looked exactly like the 49ers jersey from last night, so if I were a Texan fan, I’d be asking for my money back if I bought a CR jersey.
Anyone who buys Color Rush merch should be flogged. Seriously, those had to be the two ugliest uniforms the NFL and Nike have forced down fans’ throats.
True, but the Seahawks aren’t too shabby either. They have 3 Pro Bowlers on their Dline and two Pro Bowlers at LB. Not to mention Cam Chancellor, Earl Thomas, and CB’s that can tackle. Good luck getting that shovel pass up the middle with Sheldon Richardson, Michael Bennett, Bobby Wagner, and Chancellor filling gaps.
This doesn’t work on teams with solid D-lines and LB’s. Seahawks, Broncos, Texans, etc., they have the personnel to handle both the shovel pass and the sweep. That said, most teams don’t have loaded defenses, so keep it up, Chiefs!
Apparently, it’s equally hard to plant a flag in artificial turf, because the flag just fell over. Just like the Ohio defensive linemen!