
Congratulations—You must have read the books! Otherwise, you would be familiar enough with CliffsNotes to know that #1, it's CliffsNotes not Cliffs Notes; and #2, CliffsNotes cover only very general subject matter that nobody ever ought to miss—to help people who don't want to read books pass tests about them. Call

As I understand it, some states allow nollo contendre defense and some do not. Is an Alford Plea the same thing?

It gets better. Now they replaced the entire sequence to which my post belonged, exactly as it actually appeared three weeks ago. I pick this original version, showing the progress of a conversation.

How does nollo contendre fit into this picture?

When will he remember that Andrea told him she could not be alone that night? What blocks this detail, which could save his life, from occurring to Naz? If he realized his life was actually in danger (as we do in the audience), he might have had the motivation to stir up this recollection. But because both sides of

And that's not even getting into the subject of the right of an attorney to "dissemble" when discussing options with a client.

In addition, as in Naz's case, defense attorneys will not interview witnesses or collect evidence until a plea deal has been rejected, often at the point at which Naz declines to take the plea, in a court appearance. The system is very coercive in that way, because a client has no idea what those witnesses and that

John Stone may have severely damaged feet but they are not feet of clay. In Stone’s world, “criminal justice” is an oxymoron, its rewards and punishments routinely divvyed out by power brokers with “feet of clay.” The idiom is famously derived from the prophet Daniel’s interpretation of a dream of Nebuchadnezzar,

You will probably believe this: For the third time AV Club took down my picaresque novels post. I replaced it above in a reply to Shannon.

Above please see the post on which you commented soon after I posted it for the first time. AV Club has been removing it ever since. That's how it appears twice in the comment thread instead of just once.

Would you call twice a lot? Eight days ago AV Club removed my picaresque novels post along with two or three posts preceding it and your posts and another person's following it. I noticed it and posted about it. Then all of the posts reappeared, for one day. Five days ago, AV Club took down two posts ahead of my

The picaresque post was taken down again with some surrounding comments (different ones than were removed before). I replaced it. We'll see what happens.

Thanks. AV Club removed my post, so I am replacing it. They want it to appear that your grade is for Kayla's recap, but I know you meant it for my post, which AV Club took down. I think this behavior on their part is an effort to leave silly posts and remove substantive ones to justify dropping "Outlander" from its

Not to be too picky. A block of comments were dropped from the AV Club comment thread two days ago and replaced today, after I complained. Not positive that complaint and return had anything to do with each other.

You go girl, about following Malek's performance. I couldn't finish the second ep of the premier of Season 2, but I might try the third or fourth, since you are. (Maybe Albrecht is right about the influence of social media on what people watch.) I'm certain Malek will get better work on other things if "Mr. Robot"

IMO Malek deserved the SAG and deserves anything he wins this year. The writers and producers, for Season 2, so far, seem intent on destroying the series by showing off. USA did a repeat of "Mr. Robot" Season 2 premier tonight. Last year, it was so fresh and original, an uncluttered story unfolding week by week.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Perhaps they only lost my post: I replaced it here and then found it again in the comment thread (above) where I had posted it originally.

Thanks. I've been tracking this for two days now. The content that was removed is up on my Disqus but erased here. Your kind reply was also erased on AV Club and on my Disqus report. I see why you might call this erasure malice, but I don't see it as such. It doesn't hurt me, though it makes the overall content of

AV Club removed below post. I reposted here, and by the time I finished, my post was "miraculously" restored.