
Here is the thing about the folk who complain about long posts, calling them rants. If I stated the same views in short posts, they would say that I'm just spouting opinions without supporting them with facts or logic. It seems to me that anyone who disagrees with you, just cannot win.

Sorry—comment in wrong place.

You find it hard to say anything polite to people with whom you disagree, I guess. Speaking of books, I have a lifelong friend who has never owned a television and refuses to. He thinks he would hate whatever he sees on TV, and he doesn't watch things on DVD or go to many films. He still listens to the radio. I

You seem to think that people are personally offended by those with whom they disagree. I'm not. I never tell people not to watch or not to comment. Why should anyone on this comment thread say that?

AV Club moved my comment so it makes no more sense, so I erased it.

Don't you ever want to consider an opinion that differs from your own? You interpret criticism as hatred. I do not hate people with whom I disagree. You and others feel no compunction about telling people with whom you disagree—who are very different from you—that they don't belong. Xenophobia means "fear of the

I replied to your comment. Xenophobia means "fear of the stranger." There is a group of you on the comment thread—and you know who you are—who repeatedly tell those with whom you disagree to stop posting; who tell the people with whom you disagree that they are wasting their time; who call people who disagree with

I've been more specific about my criticisms than almost anyone on this comment thread, and more logical in explaining how I feel. You interpret criticism as hatred. You and others feel no compunction about telling people with whom you disagree—who are very different from you—that they don't belong. You and some

I don't think you yourself ARE xenophobic, though this post makes you sound that way. Why do you and others feel so entitled to gang up on people who say things with which you disagree? Don't you ever want to consider an opinion that differs from your own? The beauty and the challenge of social media is that it forces

I don't think you yourself ARE xenophobic, though your final sentence makes you sound that way. Don't you ever want to consider an opinion that differs from your own? The beauty and the challenge of social media is that it forces those who use it to expand their field of influence and exposure. AV Club allows posts

In the Hollywood media, Diana Gabaldon has given her imprimatur to Moore’s adaptation. If she held the theatrical rights to her content this would not be an issue. I will gladly go on the record that this would not be the first time an author disavowed her own work. Some writers do so in hindsight out of real

Thank you for your response. I had the same reaction as you do in your post when I decided not to expect anything factual or historically accurate from "Vikings," where Michael Hirst is crafting a story based on oral tradition and multiple versions of the same stories as they appear in manuscripts eight hundred to a

Gio will be just fine, much better for having read your take on things.

I would love to read your take on each episode.

AV Club moved your reply miles away from my post, but I found you. Thank you very much. A kind voice means a lot :-)

I love this perspective from another angle. There has been very little said so far on comment threads about the way men controlled women via marriage practices in both the 1940s and especially the 1740s, a condition that will play a very important part in Season 2 if it follows the books at all.

Sorry to tax you. Let me try again: Would you please give me another example (besides "Outlander") of this type of film or television programming?

What evidence do you have for this opinion?

I will go to the shrine of Strunk and White to ask indulgence. What is wrong about my understanding of the entertainment industry and how it works? I would love to know your opinion.

Children go from picture books to chapter books and then ongoing series in literature, as a natural progression I suppose. I was crazy about Enid Blyton. She was prolific. In each of her books, a group of children (or teens) solve a mystery but not before they go on a long, dangerous adventure together. Oddly, I