Signor Giuseppe

IMO the problem is more that “Flashpoint” is poorly written with bad art and is maybe the worst possible example of DC’s gimmick of presenting line-wide market-focused revamps as shaky, meandering stories to try and ease the pain of transition for stubborn super-fans, a tactic Marvel adopted in 2015 with “Secret Wars”

One. Of. The. Greatest. DC. Stories. ?????

Adam West Batman’s fine, Affleck would probably be fine if he ever played the character in a tonally consistent movie, or maybe even just a movie that isn’t a complete mess on a lot of different levels

So what was the best super hero movie of 2017? I’d go Spiderman: Homecoming, personally. I liked Logan well enough I guess (though our heroes made too many stupid/nihilistic decisions); Guardians 2 was good (but sort of a let down from Guardians 1); Wonder Woman was pretty good. Thor was probably my second

“A Chinese, a black, a pregnant” really should’ve had greater meme potential — maybe not Dawes-level but better than it got.

The nightmares of every TV show creator whose show only lasted for one season.

What happened with that sitcom he was promoting? It had something for everyone, even a pregnant.

They did bring her back in the Arrow: Season 2,5 comic, which is canon to the show.

I'm hoping Floyd Lawton turns out to be Vigilante.

I expected her to be part of the trio of female villains that showed up a few episodes back.

Yep. Just like Amanda Waller and poor Deadshot. DAMN YOU, WARNER BROTHERS!!!

I thought the actress (Jessica DeGouw) was a little flat, but the character was a solid "vengeful crazy lady" type… and the episodes that sprang up AROUND her were pretty much all fantastic. Huntress always worked best as a mirror to hold up to Oliver and his own crusade— calling out his hypocrisy and giving him

Helena would actually be a great addition to the current season of Arrow, in which Oliver is being brought to task for the sins of the past. She could come back as someone who has seen the error of her ways, and lets Oliver know that going down the dark path doesn't have to stain your soul for the rest of your life.

I think she has a gig on another show. Everyone hated her character but I thought she was fine. Not up to JLU Huntress, but who is?

Seeing Felicity running around in the Huntress's old get-up makes me wonder: is Helena Bertinelli ever coming back to the Arrowverse? Or is she, like Captain Boomerang, one of those rare comic-book characters who get caught and thrown into prison, and then actually stays there?

I do think the ArrowVerse needs more heavy-hitter female rogues to balance things better, though Talia on Arrow this season is a step in the right direction with that anyway. Also having Katie Cassidy now playing Black Siren instead of Laurel.

Arrow is also greatly improved this year. Flash continues to decline, and it used to be my favorite.

My only real complaint is that there was a bit of narrative clunkiness in having the team go so hard on Mick, essentially "forcing" his turn to the Legion, especially when it's not like the others don't fuck up on the regular too (also, Stein what the fuck. Weren't you the one going all "oh he's a hallucination blah

"One does not simply walk into a battlefield!"

Guys, guys - you have a frickin' time machine. Howzabout you pop back before the war and look for the blood of Jeebus then? You'd have all the time you need, and the Legion of Doom will be a lot less likely to jack you for the Spear afterwards.