
It is Square Enix, who are happily still trying to push NFT’s as game features and just cancelled like 4 of their new “live service” games in a row. They don’t have a shred of self awareness about how they’re treating FF7, an anti-capitalist eco-terrorism game where their spinoffs are gleefully using “Shinra Bucks!”

The driver told police that he had been using Tesla’s new “Full Self-Driving,” and if interested, you can view the redacted accident report here:

Tesla is self driving the car off a cliff. 

“The problem is how to pay [the employees] enough to afford children, a car and a house in the suburbs.”

I haven’t seen The Menu but isn’t this The Menu?

I’m going to take stab in the dark and assume Mr. Chef doesn’t live in a modest house in the suburbs, where his children attend a public school.

Now playing

As a mental health professional just starting my shift this morning, I’ve grown to appreciate the difficulties he’s had in doing his job.

Now playing

Aw, RIP. One of my favorite character actors. He did a lot of voice work in World of Warcraft, including all of the race intros, as well as the voice of several important characters, probably the most prominent of which is the voiceover narration for the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic, which still gives me chills

I think it is just because of the image it makes in the press.

It’s adorable* that a big sale for Nintendo is slashing the price of a $60 game released in 2019 (Link’s Awakening) by a whopping $18.

I think they are still tracked, but are masked. The uploader can see them and I think there are browser extensions that will let anyone see them.

Give him credit for realizing alcohol is one of the few things that could make that movie tolerable.

He really torpedoed himself over what was just an okay movie, even by his standards.

Whew, that’s the homeless problem solved then! Idiots.

Are Democrats being petty as fuck? YES...and 👏🏽I👏🏽am👏🏽here👏🏽for👏🏽all👏🏽of👏🏽it!!!!!

Now that I think about it, I think our teacher also warned us about the scene and basically threatened us to act “maturely” and not giggle like... a bunch of 8th graders.

Well, I mean, what else was he going to go with? “I’m a sexual predator who looks like I never evolved after the last ice age”?

Based solely on his performance in Bullet Train, I am on board.

Elect clowns, get a circus.

Bladeless only means no visible blades. How do you think the air gets pulled into the fan and blown out?...small blades inside the fan.  Research before writing.