I would hardly call anything about what Elon does or how he makes his money “fair and square.” There’s no ethical way to become a billionaire. You get there by fucking over a lot of other people.
I would hardly call anything about what Elon does or how he makes his money “fair and square.” There’s no ethical way to become a billionaire. You get there by fucking over a lot of other people.
Probably. It’s a real feather in the cap of a certain type of weird edgelord who thinks that renting a garage loft to a transient makes them a real estate baron.
Most of you dummies probably don’t even own a home. You all likely rent. But even renting gives you more rights with the place you’re living in than just squatting there. My point is, twitter is not some basic human right.
There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.
To all the greys insisting that her *other* career is how she should be identified:
I can’t believe she’s up and back to streaming so soon. I would’ve assumed injuries like this would require at least a couple months of bed rest.
Whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout…
From the WaPo:
“He’s not a far-right extremist, he was just motivated by far-right extremism” is a distinction without a difference.
Good people, just leave Twitter. You really should have done it about 15 years ago, but we’ll let that go. DO IT NOW. And believe me, if you delete the rest of social media too, you’ll live happier.
My favorite line of argument on the right is that lack of moderation will result in some kind of ancient Greek agora, with “debates” where people challenge ideas. Like, I suppose, the notion that 5G signals will activate the microchips in my vaccine.
Most of the low to mid range horror movie landscape has converted to the arthouse A4 style. Torture porn is decidedly passé in 2022 but there will always be a devoted cult of dedicated gore-hounds for stuff like this. Hence, you get what is perhaps a somewhat overhyped sleeper hit.
It isn’t because of Musk, it is what Musk is going to do with the platform; specifically, re-instate Donald Trump, a literal domestic terrorist mastermind.
Corporations owning colors. What a time to be alive.
[Already posted this as a reply to someone else on a different article, so apologies to anyone reading this twice.]
You call it cagey, but I call it good sales strategy: “Buy Xbox now before prices go up!”
“Can be done” is not the same as “reasonable” or “humane”. Also, I’m not sure I want to be treated by a healthcare worker in the tail end of a 3rd 12-hour day.
I call BS.
I mean, if the shoe fits...
“It’s definitely odd for a U.S. senator to tweet out a story before local news or the police have said a word about it, and conveniently leave out the fact that the victim has a history of perpetrating white supremacist violence himself.”