Sigmund Floyd

You’re thinking of, “Even a broken tiger changes it’s stripes twice a day.”

Jesus christ. I’m a white guy. Another white guy family member tried giving me the whole “democrats framed a good man” diatribe last week and I just shut that shit down immediately.

At a college football game last year, surrounded by mostly other white people, this chubby vanilla maga hat type sitting next to me

I’d love to hear the laughing, but then I’d have to hear him talk. The trade off just isn’t worth it.

Remember, these are ‘ketchup on steak’ tastebuds we’re talking about, here. He’d give a Michelin star to an actual tire.

Several of my Indian coworkers this week have been asking me how/why when they look at electoral maps, that all of the major cities and metropolitan areas are blue, and all of the rural areas are red that Republicans keep winning? And why do we allow less populace areas that don’t contribute equally to the economy and

You have brought shame on your family for generations to come.

i am not convinced we required the explanation

Or you could just keep Don Cherry away from...well, everybody.  That might be more efficient.

No ducks here! No ducks! You’re the duck!!

people remember things

“Lock her up!” - Tireless Defenders Of Presumption Of Innocence

Shitty Catholic, shitty man. Compassion and love is Christlike.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

What the hell would make you think Trump won’t win again? I would bet a lot of money on this scumbag staying for two terms. He tore through 16 republicans and Clinton to win and now, with all the advantages of being president, he’ll only have to worry about beating one democrat. No, hate to say it, but he’s going to

Funny, that here in the province of great bud, the amount of time this has been debated there is the only store open in BC is in Kamloops.

Newfoundland is basically the shire. You either like that or you don’t.

Elizabeth Warren is running for reelection to the Senate right now.

The Arkansas supreme court is keeping a voter ID law that’s basically the same as an old voter ID law that was struck down in 2014

Anytime anyone uses ‘lol’, they have lost the argument.