Sigmund Floyd

Stuff like this is why Whatsisname gets to talk about “Fake News” all the time. No one sabotaged her performance, there was an equipment failure that might have been avoided if she’d done her sound check.

I’m fine with it.

This was part of why it hasn’t happened:

Well, the Canucks aren’t doing anything.

This. Wake me when they offer rides to the electricians, set dressers, etc.

It’s like she wants all the benefits but none of the responsibilities. Who knows where she got that attitude from.

I’ve never seen the Martha Stewart/Snoop Dogg show, but I choose to believe that each episode has a new delicious pot brownie recipe.

Anything that hastens the demise of a record company is a net positive.

I’m still Team Crispin Glover.

I want this:

Call it the Jefferson Airplane Highway.

It’s impossible to tell.

It’s about the attention.

If Trump dies in office, the internet will blow up with stories about how a certain Democratic former candidate was somehow responsible and America will take another large step to civil war. It’ll be known as the War of Coastal Aggression.

This is going to end in tears.

Worse than that, isn’t Donald there right now? If I was faced with the possibility of him coming down and having a tantrum IN PERSON, I’d pretend nothing happened too.

Other people aren’t real to Trump. Everyone and everything exists to be a reflection of himself.

It’s not ‘overbearing government’ to hold people legally responsible for what they say in a public forum.