Sigmund Floyd

To be fair, “You ready for peace through strength and that Reagan-ous posture that would tell any enemy, ‘Uh uh, we’re America, so we win, you lose!’” is the most American statement ever spoken, ever.

I hear this constantly and while I’m sorry to be a dick about this, here I go:

This wasn’t assault, they chose to “re-accommodate” him. Also, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Yes, she looks just like he did at that age.

All of them.

Leave Canada out of this.

Look at it this way, I can’t afford to pay for a vacation only to be stopped at the border because my daughters have pictures on their Facebook of them protesting the Trumpspawn opening a Trump branded hotel downtown.

It might buy you enough time to put your affairs in order.

Trump brings a culture of contempt for his subordinates, so if there is a chance he might look bad, they are immediately tossed under the bus. It’s more noticeable with Spicer because he’s the public face.

Seriously, nowhere else in the world would this be normal behaviour.

This statement is literally an alternative fact.

I’d keep away from open flames, because that many straw men could catch fire very easily.

I’m sure Trayvon Martin would agree with you.

He’s not a moron, but he thinks he’s much more intelligent than he actually is.

We in Canada can see and hear you guys from up here. No offence, but why would we want millions of people who screwed up their country to join ours? We are a sovereign nation, not your plan B.

Second worst Canucks logo, after the stylized V/ “Kick Here” image. Unfortunately, the Going Downhill Fast subtext still applies.

It’s from Beauty and the Beast. I have daughters who loved that movie, so I’ve seen it 100's of times and sometimes forget that there are those who don’t know it word for word.

She’s the village girl who marries Gaston after Belle dumped him.

Americans chose Trump, just like Americans choose George W. Bush twice. Obama seemed like a more reasonable choice, but that was offset by actions like the Benghazi hearings and the 50-odd attempts to derail a slightly less shitty healthcare plan.