Sigmund Floyd

Aren’t all chickens vegan?

“Deploy the Flags of All Nations!”


When I was just starting out as a young stagehand, I had the honour to work on a show with him. He was a wonderful man and was the one who introduced me to Buddhism. R.I.P

That would mean that God cared about any country other than the United States of America, which is obviously false. America is God’s favourite, it’s in the Bible! Or maybe the Constitution!

So the bar is now set at “not the apocalypse”. Good to know.

It’ll be the War of Coastal Aggression.

Wade Wilson is from Regina, the city that rhymes with fun!

First off, Kellie Leitch has attached herself to Trump for the cheap headline, she’s trying to separate herself from the crowd, and secondly, whether we like or not, one of the responsibilities of a Canadian Prime Minister is to not agitate the damn Americans.

I think you’re correct in your assessment, but when things deteriorate Trump and the Republicans will blame China or India and the people will fall back in line.

I’m sure the Republicans new system will be much better for you. Really, what could go wrong?

It’s easy to blame Clinton, but it isn’t like Trump made himself or his policies a secret. If Americans really disagreed with him, he wouldn’t have gotten the votes. Plus, nearly half the population didn’t think his views were troublesome enough to vote at all.

Trump had 60 million Americans who thought he would make a better President and another 115 million who were okay enough with him that they didn’t see the need to vote.

Trump’s administration probably won’t be making compromising a priority. If anything, the last 8 years have proven that obstuctionism seems to work better.

My middle-school geography teacher was the personification of evil.

Seconded. There’s a reason why unions exist.

Eight years of Bush/Cheney, dickwad.

You traded a shitty system for a slighly less shitty system. Don’t be getting all proud of it.

There are times that we have to reassure Americans that their country is “Great”. Otherwise they get grumpy and they still have nuclear weapons.