He could show up with 2 gallons of coquito and he will still get the door.
He could show up with 2 gallons of coquito and he will still get the door.
This country is White Lives Matter (Only) and has been so since its inception.
Why Geraldo Rivera has a platform is beyond me. He should have been laughed out of work after the Capone vault business. His body of work has no validity and he remains a vapid, talking head to justify “ethnicity” on Fox.
His later work was not popular because he changed styles. Many people expected Purple Rain and got something else. He even stopped performing earlier music regularly after the Musicology Tour. He evolved and I guess pop culture wasn’t feeling it. Every album has at least 3 or 4 gems.
Certified Prince fan from the moment I secretly bought the For You album when I was a kid and had to put on headphones so my abuelita could not hear it. My mom came across it, took it, and I got grounded. My dad gave it back!
This dude is a fucking troll. He does this all over the place. I cannot believe his is out of the grays on so many sites (and I am ungrayed on one).
He is singing the same song as Nixon from the ‘60's.
I have seen their list and their criteria/methodology. I don’t have time to get into the specifics of it nor do I want to. Suffice to say, this listing comes down to money and resources. It has little to do with the quality of education for its students. That is very hard to quantify. If you provide the same money and…
What the fuck is wrong with people? That’s all I got.
Being one of the oldest institutions in the country does not make it great. If it’s your alma mater, fine Stan for it. It gets no clout outside of the southeast other than, “Yeah, basketball”.
This cannot be real. Yet, I am sure it is.
I think his stance and awkwardness comes from the fact that he is the first black coach of a mediocre institution with the exception of their dental school and their basketball program (more the latter than the former). If he would have addressed the question head on, he would have been seen as “aggressive” and would…
Here’s the issue: They know exactly what they are doing. This is the norm and it is purposeful. There’s no mistake. Remember that.
I am also tired of the argument that Republicans will be in power again and the filibuster will be our only weapon. Bullshit. Get rid of gerrymandering and make voting accessible to all. You will not have these problems. Enshrine it in law and let them try to sue you. Republicans don’t give a shit about playing…
Is 16-year old Taylor Bracey a girl? How about the 14-year old teen with special needs, is he a boy? The young lady in NC, is she a girl?
I am loving it but...
(((Te lo sico)))
I for one support Shanita and her efforts to name D.C.’s professional (bwahahaha) football (jajaja)... team(?).
Let’s see. I have had an argument with a colleague (college professor) regarding the origin of the current vaccines (all from China he says as he refuses to get it*), Democrats resigning in mass, and the Nevada attny general committed voter fraud. He got this all from Facebook. Facebook won’t change because that would…