sigmapapi...(No me importa!)

I am in the grays here so you won’t either see it or acknowledge it but she was not in the U.S. Sovereign country and all, right? It does not matter what we think here and the comparisons don’t matter.  She broke Cayman law and that is the punishment.  

Good to know. 

A virus will shift/mutate.  It is its nature. Anyone thought that we were out of the woods yet because of a rushed vaccine?  This isn’t going away anytime soon.

The United States of America has truly become a banana republic, laughing stock of the world.  Trump pushed us over the edge.  We are a joke.  

And that is some bullshit as well.  If the government would have given everyone the 1200 to 2000 a month since the beginning, the economy would not have tanked, rent would have been paid, and maybe people would have stayed the fuck home.  

This was known on Jerome Street in Canarsie as a “bitch move”.

Truer words have never been spoken.  

Thing is UBI was a Nixon thing.  They have to own that as they twist their spines.

My mistake.  I meant to type 90s.  Go ahead and tear me apart.  

I am probably going to get some backlash for this but...

Not trying to be picky, but in this day and age any politician that does not do a quick vetting of people wanting selfies is a fool. Her handlers would have noticed that the man in question has tattoos of swastikas and the words “white power” or they should be looking for this.  That alone should be a hard no to

Kinda like ACA and the Mass. health care system. It’s ok when a Republican does it.

I will state my unpopular take once again, the character T’Challa is bigger than one actor. There needs to be a recast so his story can continue. Does anyone honestly believe that Boseman would want to stop the development of such a character?

I want Trump to go to prison. I wanted him to go to prison 25 years ago. It will be sweet, sweet justice.

The “heartland” does not give a fuck about any urban area in this country. They masturbate to the ideal of the destruction of cities/coastal elites. What they fail to realize, as always, is that these policies hurt them more than than any urban area. NYC, Chicago, LA all have a tax base. Fucking rural areas don’t have

Hey Pete, I hope “They Reminisce Over You” as well when you catch Covid. WTF.

I left in 2017.  Ardmore has always had a liberal bent and yes DT Winston Salem is cool.  However, you have Clemmon, Walkertown, Rural Hall, Bethania, some of Kernersville, and the Robinhood Rd. area that can fuck it up for everyone.  

So much bullshit from my former residence. I fucking hated NC and Forsyth County in particular. BTW FC Sheriff Dept., if he struck a minor where is the misd. child abuse charge?

I am not trying; but if I came across one (stars align, dogs/cats living together, moon in the 7th house) then I would purchase. It’s finals week and I have nothing else to do until January 16th. And... we are remote for the spring semester so I will be at home as usual. All this to say that it would be nice but I am

It is my sincere hope that the people of Cobb County have plans in place to get people to the polls.  If I lived there, I would rent a damn bus.